Mihail Falcuta التطبيقات

Farm Adventure for Kids Free 1.9
Mihail Falcuta
"Farm Adventure for Kids Free" is an app forkids between 1 and 7 years old. The app helps the children developtheir vocabulary and their perception of objects and beings.In the "Farm Adventure" free educational top apps for kids, thetoddlers will learn in the best way:a) The letters of the alphabet;b ) Words :- Numbers;- Domestic animals;- Colors;- Shapes;- Vegetables;- Fruits;Check out our reviews:- "Cool game for kids" - 5 stars - Prisecaru Silviu- "The game is great fun ,,,,, :-) 👍" - 5 stars - AzizahtulFitria- "I became like a nice clever kid " - 5 stars - Putri AyuNingrumThe images are accompanied by native pronunciation in theEnglish language and other specific sounds.The "Farm Adventure for Kids" free educational fun apps have 10levels:1. Learn the alphabet, learn animals, learn numbers, learn fruits,learn vegetables – the toddlers click on the characters that appearon the screen to hear the name of the English language and specificsounds.2. Play with colors - learn by playing or check your knowledgeby clicking the announced color. In the first level click on thecolored squares and you will hear their name. In the other levels,groups of 3,5,7,8 or 10 colors will appear and the kids will haveto choose them in order they are announced.3. Sort Games Free – the toddlers will sort and put vegetablesin their basket. The children will be given 3 baskets and in eachbasket the children will gather a type of veggie.4. Labyrinth Games Free - Collect eggs form words, find your waythrough the maze and listen to the correct pronunciation inEnglish. This is a maze of low difficulty for toddlers in whichthey gather the letters of the alphabet that make up a word - everytime you collect a letter of the alphabet, its pronunciations areheard in English. The final words represent the name of the itemsthat have to be found by children. When the kids collect all theletters and reach the finish, they will hear the domestic animal’sname and its specific sound.5. Jump Games Free - Jump and collect fruits, vegetables,letters of the alphabet and numbers – this is a learning anddexterity testing game. Every time you catch a fruit, a vegetable,a letter or a number , you will hear the pronunciation of thosewords or letters in English.6. Match Games Free – the toddlers will drag the shapes to thecorresponding location to form a new funny image and watch the endanimation. Arrange shapes in the boxes indicated to form a newfigure.7. Drop – Play by running and catching the items dropped by thebirds such as fruits and vegetables. This is a learning anddexterity testing game. The items carried by birds escape from thebird’s clutches and you must catch them before they disappear.8. Shaped Fence - learn numbers and shapes. Raise a fence aroundthe sheep by pressing the buttons in ascending order and see whatgeometric item is formed: triangle, square, trapezoid , pentagon ,star .9. Play games Free - A) the toddlers connect the colors to theanimals and watch them change their color; B) Help the cat crossthe road through the walking dogs;10. Test - test your knowledge skills. Choose between thedomestic animals in order to find the correct one.The best information, personalized to the children's need ofdiscovery, together with new words, tests and free games will beadded periodically to these fun apps’ list of interactiveeducational tools.We have done our best to provide an excellent tool for your kidto learn from a young age. If you feel to contribute or give ussupport, send us an email at: support@ideonteam.com or ratethem as the best apps out there!Download "Farm Adventure", Free educational top apps and helpyour toddlers find words, numbers, domestic animals, fruits ,vegetables , shapes and learn the English language’s alphabet.Check out our website: http://www.ideonteam.com and learn more aboutour best apps in stores. See you soon !
Viata la ferma -Invata animale 2.5
Mihail Falcuta
"Viata la ferma -Invata animale" este oaplicatie educativa pentru copii cu varsta intre 1 si 7 ani.Aplicatia ajuta copiii sa isi dezvolte vocabularul si perceptiaasupra obiectelor si fiintelor.In jocul "Viata la ferma", copiii vor invata intr-un modinteractiv :a) Literele din alfabet;b) Cuvinte:- Cifre;- Animale domestice- Culori;- Forme;- Legume;- Fructe;Imaginile sunt insotite de pronuntia in limba romana si desunete specifice.Jocul educativ "Viata la ferma –Invata animale" cuprinde 10mini-jocuri:1. Invata - apasa pe caracterele care apar pe ecran pentru aauzi denumirea in limba romana precum si sunete specifice.2. Alege culorile - invata prin joc culori sau verifica-ticunostintele apasand pe culoarea auzita. Primul nivel te ajuta sainveti culorile – apasa pe patratelele colorate si vei auzi numeleacelei culori. In celelalte nivele grupuri a cate 3,5,7,8 sau 10culori vor aparea iar copilul va trebui sa aleaga culorile inordinea auzita.3. Sorteaza - triaza legume si aseaza-le in cosul lor . Pentrucopii vor fi puse la dispozitie cate 3 cosulete in fiecare nivel ,iar in fiecare cosulet copiii vor aduna cate un anumit tip deleguma.4. Labirint - Colecteaza litere, formeaza cuvinte si gasesteanimale pentru a asculta pronuntarea corecta in limba romana.Acesta este un labirint de dificultate mica pentru copii in careacestia trebuie sa urmareasca un traseu simplu pentru a adunaliterele din alfabet care compun un cuvant (animal domestic) – defiecare data cand se colecteaza o litera din alfabet se aude sipronuntia acesteia in limba romana. Cand vor culege toate literelesi vor ajunge la animal se va auzi numele animalului domestic sisunetul specific al acestuia.5. Sari - Sari si colecteaza fructe, legume, litere din alfabetsi numere - un joc de de invatare si testare a dexteritatii. Defiecare data cand se va atinge un fruct, o leguma, o litera sau unnumar, se va auzi pronuntia acelor cuvinte in limba romana.6. Pereche - Aranjeaza formele in casutele indicate pentru aforma o figura noua. De fiecare data cand se atinge o formageometrica colorata , numele acesteia se va auzi.7. Alearga - Alearga si prinde legume, fructe, numere si literedin alfabet scapate de pasari . Joc de de invatare si testare adexteritatii. Legumele, fructele, numerele si literele purtate depasari scapa din ghearele acestora iar tu trebuie sa le prinziinainte sa dispara.8. Ridica un gard – invata cifre si forme. Ridica un gard injurul oilor apasand cifre in ordine crescatoare si vezi ce formageometrica se formeaza. Pentru copii sunt puse la dispozitie maimulte cifre. Copiii trebuie sa apese in ordine crescatoare cifrelepentru a crea o forma geometrica: triunghi, patrat, trapez,pentagon, stea.9. Trecere Drum - Ajuta pisica sa treaca drumul si sa sefereasca de catei. Se stie ca pisicile si cateii nu se inteleg preabine, de aceea pisica trebuie sa treaca cu grija drumul folosit decatei. Daca te prinde un catel va trebui sa o iei de la capat.Trebuie sa ajungi la prietenii tai pe cealalta parte adrumului!10. Verifica-ti cunostintele – ultimul nivel. Identifica animalein ordinea precizata.La sfarsitul fiecarui nivel copiii vor primi o recompensa demaximum 3 stelute in functie de procentajul de completare corecta anivelului.Informatii adaptate nevoii de a descoperi lumea inconjuratoarevor fi adaugate periodic in lista materialelor interactive pentrucopii din jocul educativ "Viata la ferma ".Descarca acum jocul educativ "Viata la ferma" si ajuta-ticopilul sa descopere cuvinte, litere, numere,animaledomestice,fructe,legume, forme precum si vocabularul limbiiromane."Life on the farm-animalTeach" is an educational app for children aged 1 to 7 years. Theapplication helps children develop vocabulary and perception ofobjects and beings.In the game of "Life on the farm", children will learn in aninteractive mode:a) The letters of the alphabet;b) words:- Figures;- Pets- Colors;- Forms;- Vegetables;- Fruits;The images are accompanied by the pronunciation in Romanianlanguage and specific sounds.Educational game "Life-Learn animal farm" includes 10mini-games:One. Learn - click on the characters that appear on the screento hear the name of the Romanian language and specific sounds.Two. Choose colors - learn by playing colors or check yourknowledge by clicking the color heard. The first level helps youlearn colors - click on the colored squares and you will hear thename of that color. In other levels 3,5,7,8 or 10 groups of colorswill appear and the child will have to choose colors in orderheard.Three. Sort - triaza vegetables and put them in their basket.Children will be provided by 3 baskets in each level and in eachbasket how many children will gather some type of vegetable.April. Labyrinth - Collect letters form words and find animalsto listen to the correct pronunciation of Romanian language. It isa maze of small difficulty for children where they need to follow asimple route to gather letters of the alphabet that make up a word(domestic animal) - every time you collect a letter of the alphabetsounds and its pronunciation in English Romanian. When they collectall the letters and reach will hear animal names domestic animaland its specific sound.May. Sari - Sari and collect fruits, vegetables, letters of thealphabet and numbers - a game of learning and dexterity test. Everytime you touch a fruit, a vegetable, a letter or number, you willhear the pronunciation of those words in Romanian.June. Couple - Arrange shapes in the boxes indicated to form anew figure. Every time you reach a colored geometric form, its namewill be heard.July. Run - Run and catch fruits, vegetables, numbers andletters of the alphabet escaped birds. Playing learning anddexterity test. Vegetables, fruits, numbers and letters carried bybirds escape from their clutches and you must catch them beforethey disappear.August. Raise a fence - learn numbers and shapes. Pick up afence around the sheep pressing numbers in ascending order and seewhat geometric shape is formed. Children are provided more digits.Children have to press the numbers in ascending order to create ageometric shape: triangle, square, trapezoid, pentagon, star.September. Crossing Drum - Help the cat to go ahead and avoidthe dogs. We know that cats and dogs do not get along too well, sothe cat has to go gently used road dogs. If you get a puppy youhave to start over. You have to get your friends on the other sideof the road!10. Test your knowledge - the last level. Identify animals inthe order specified.At the end of each level, children will receive a reward up to 3stars depending on the percentage of correct filling level.Information tailored to the need to discover the world aroundwill be added periodically PAPERS interactive educational game forchildren "farm life".Download Now playing educational "farm life" and help your childfind words, letters, numbers, livestock, fruits, vegetables, shapesand vocabulary novels.
Farm Adventure for Kids 1.1
Mihail Falcuta
This game has no ads and is optimized forkids.Learn, Test your skills and Play with beautiful cartoon images,words and sounds."Farm Adventure" is an all-in-one app for children of 2,3,4,5,6 or7 years old that want to learn English as a native language orforeign language. The game helps children develop their vocabularyand their perception of objects and beings.In the game, the kids will learn in an interactive mode:a) The letters of the alphabet;b ) Words :- Numbers;- Domestic animals;- Colors;- Shapes;- Vegetables;- Fruits;The images are accompanied by the pronunciation in the Englishlanguage and other specific sounds.The voice sounds (female voice) are professionally recorded instudio.The App has 10 levels:1. Learn - interactive scrolling of characters. The kids can presson the characters and their names will appear above. Learn lots ofwords in the English Language2. Play with colors – Learn the colors or test you skills. Presson the color blocks that create the pyramid and see if you havefound the correct answer.3. Sort Vegetables – you have 3 types of vegetables to pick andplace on their specific basket. Each time you’ll press on theveggie, its name will be heard.4. Labyrinth - Collect letters, create a word, find the animaland hear the pronunciation in English.5. Jump – the birds a carrying fruits, vegetables, letters,numbers and you have to catch them in the air. Whenever you touchan item its name will appear on the screen and will also hear ii inproper pronunciation.6. Match – Drag the shapes in their correct location and formnew images. At the end, a funny animation will appear.7. Drop - Run left or right and catch the fruits, vegetables,numbers and letters of the alphabet dropped by the birds. This is alearning and dexterity testing game.8. Create a Fence - learn numbers and shapes. Create a fencearound the sheep by pressing the numbers in ascending order and seewhat geometric shape is formed: triangle, square, trapezoid ,pentagon , star .9. Play various games - A) drop the colors to the animals andwatch the animals change their color; B) Help the cat cross theroad and avoid the dogs. If a dog catches you, you have to startover.10. Test - test your animals knowledge skills.
Farm Adventure Kids Portuguese 1.0.1
Mihail Falcuta
Learn, Test your skills and Play withbeautifulcartoon images, words and sounds."Farm Adventure" is an all-in-one app for children of 2,3,4,5,6 or7years old that want to learn Portuguese as a native languageorforeign language. The game helps children develop theirvocabularyand their perception of objects and beings.In the game, the kids will learn in an interactive mode:a) The letters of the alphabet;b ) Words :- Numbers;- Domestic animals;- Colors;- Shapes;- Vegetables;- Fruits;The images are accompanied by the pronunciation in thePortugueselanguage and other specific sounds.The voice sounds (female voice) are professionally recordedinstudio.The App has 10 levels:1. Learn - interactive scrolling of characters. The kids canpresson the characters and their names will appear above. Learnlots ofwords in the Portuguese Language2. Play with colors – Learn the colors or test you skills.Presson the color blocks that create the pyramid and see if youhavefound the correct answer.3. Sort Vegetables – you have 3 types of vegetables to pickandplace on their specific basket. Each time you’ll press ontheveggie, its name will be heard.4. Labyrinth - Collect letters, create a word, find theanimaland hear the pronunciation in Portuguese.5. Jump – the birds a carrying fruits, vegetables,letters,numbers and you have to catch them in the air. Whenever youtouchan item its name will appear on the screen and will also hearii inproper pronunciation.6. Match – Drag the shapes in their correct location and formnewimages. At the end, a funny animation will appear.7. Drop - Run left or right and catch the fruits,vegetables,numbers and letters of the alphabet dropped by thebirds. This is alearning and dexterity testing game.8. Create a Fence - learn numbers and shapes. Create afencearound the sheep by pressing the numbers in ascending orderand seewhat geometric shape is formed: triangle, square, trapezoid,pentagon , star .9. Play various games - A) drop the colors to the animalsandwatch the animals change their color; B) Help the cat crosstheroad and avoid the dogs. If a dog catches you, you have tostartover.10. Test - test your animals knowledge skills.
10 Games for Kids - Portuguese 1.0.1
Mihail Falcuta
Learn, Test your skills and Play withbeautifulcartoon images, words and sounds."10 Games for Kids - Portuguese" is an all-in-one app forchildrenof 2,3,4,5,6 or 7 years old that want to learn Portugueseas anative language or foreign language. The game helpschildrendevelop their vocabulary and their perception of objectsandbeings.In the game, the kids will learn in an interactive mode:a) The letters of the alphabet;b ) Words :- Numbers;- Domestic animals;- Colors;- Shapes;- Vegetables;- Fruits;The images are accompanied by the pronunciation in thePortugueselanguage and other specific sounds.The voice sounds (female voice) are professionally recordedinstudio.The App has 10 levels:1. Learn - interactive scrolling of characters. The kids canpresson the characters and their names will appear above. Learnlots ofwords in the Portuguese Language2. Play with colors – Learn the colors or test you skills.Presson the color blocks that create the pyramid and see if youhavefound the correct answer.3. Sort Vegetables – you have 3 types of vegetables to pickandplace on their specific basket. Each time you’ll press ontheveggie, its name will be heard.4. Labyrinth - Collect letters, create a word, find theanimaland hear the pronunciation in Portuguese.5. Jump – the birds a carrying fruits, vegetables,letters,numbers and you have to catch them in the air. Whenever youtouchan item its name will appear on the screen and will also hearii inproper pronunciation.6. Match – Drag the shapes in their correct location and formnewimages. At the end, a funny animation will appear.7. Drop - Run left or right and catch the fruits,vegetables,numbers and letters of the alphabet dropped by thebirds. This is alearning and dexterity testing game.8. Create a Fence - learn numbers and shapes. Create afencearound the sheep by pressing the numbers in ascending orderand seewhat geometric shape is formed: triangle, square, trapezoid,pentagon , star .9. Play various games - A) drop the colors to the animalsandwatch the animals change their color; B) Help the cat crosstheroad and avoid the dogs. If a dog catches you, you have tostartover.10. Test - test your animals knowledge skills.
Mots, Animaux, Fruits, Formes 1.0
Mihail Falcuta
Apprenez, Testez vos compétences etAmusez-vousavec de belles images, les mots, ainsi qu'avec lessons. "10 Jeuxpour les Enfants» est une application tout-en-unpour les enfantsâgés de 3,4,5,6,7 ans. L'application aide lesenfants à développerleur vocabulaire et leur perception des objetset des êtres. Lesenfants vont apprendre avec un mode interactif:- Alphabet;- Numéros;- Animaux domestiques- Couleurs;- Formes;- Légumes;- Fruits;Les images sont accompagnées d'une prononciation en anglaisetd'autres sons spécifiques.L'application a 10 niveaux :1. Apprenez les animaux, les formes, les lettres, les chiffres,leslégumes et les fruits;2. Jouez avec les couleurs - apprenez les couleurs et testezvosconnaissances sur les couleurs.3. Triez les légumes - Mettez chaque légume dans lepaniercorrespondant;4. Le labyrinthe - Récoltez les lettres et trouverlesanimaux5. Ramassez les fruits, les légumes, les lettres etleschiffres;6. PAIRES - Connecter les formes7. TOMBER - Courez et attrapez les éléments qui tombent :lesfruits, légumes, chiffres et lettres;8. Formes - Touchez les numéros dans l'ordre et découvrezlaforme;9. Changez la couleur des animaux; Aidez le chat à traverserlaroute10. Test - Testez vos connaissances sur les animaux.Learn, Test yourskillsand have fun with beautiful images, words, and with sounds."10Games for Kids" is an all-in-one for children ages 3,4,5,6,7years.The application helps children develop their vocabulary andtheirperception of objects and beings. children will learn withaninteractive mode:- Alphabet;- Numbers;- Pets- Colors;- Forms;- Vegetables;- Fruits;The images are accompanied by an English pronunciation andotherspecific sounds.The app has 10 levels: 1. Learn the animals, shapes, letters, numbers, vegetablesandfruits;2. Play with colors - learn the colors and test your knowledgeoncolors.3. Sort Vegetables - Put each vegetable in thecorrespondingbasket;4. Labyrinth - Collect the letters and find animals5. Collect the fruits, vegetables, letters and numbers;6. PAIRS - Connect forms7. FALL - Run and grab the items that fall: fruits,vegetables,numbers and letters;8. Forms - Touch the numbers in order and discover the form;9. Change the color of animals; Help the cat cross the road10. Test - Test your knowledge of animals.
Viata la Ferma - Limba Romana 1.0
Mihail Falcuta
Aplicatie fara reclame. "Viata la ferma-LimbaRomana" este o aplicatie pentru copiii intre 1 si 7 ani.Aplicatiaajuta copiii sa isi dezvolte vocabularul si perceptiaasupraobiectelor si fiintelor.Copiii vor invata intr-un mod interactiv :- Literele alfabetului;- Cifre;- Animale domestice- Culori;- Forme;- Legume;- Fructe;Imaginile sunt insotite de pronuntia in limba romana si desunetespecifice.Aplicatia cuprinde 10 mini-jocuri:1. Invata - apasa pe caracterele care apar pe ecran pentru aauzidenumirea in limba romana precum si sunete specifice.2. Alege culorile - invata culori sau verifica-ticunostinteleapasand pe culoarea auzita3. Sorteaza legumele - triaza legumele si aseaza-le incosullor4. Labirint - Colecteaza literele pentru a forma cuvantul intregsigaseste animalul pentru a asculta pronuntarea corecta5. Sari - Sari si colecteaza fructe, legume, litere si numere6. Pereche - Aranjeaza formele in casutele indicate pentru a formaofigura noua7. Alearga - Alearga si prinde legumele, fructele, numerelesiliterele scapate de pasari8. Ridica un gard - Ridica un gard in jurul oilor apasand cifreleinordine crescatoare si vezi ce forma geometrica se formeaza9. Trecere Drum - Ajuta pisica sa treaca drumul si sa se fereascadecatei10. Verifica-ti cunostintele - Identifica animalele inordineaprecizataLa sfarsitul fiecarui nivel copiii vor primi o recompensa demaximum3 stelute in functie de procentajul de completare corectaanivelului.Informatii adaptate nevoii copiilor de a descoperilumeainconjuratoare vor fi adaugate periodic in listamaterialelorinteractive. Asteptam comentariile si sugestiile talepentru aimbunatati aceasta aplicatie.Applicationwithoutcommercials. "Life on the farm -Limba Romanian" is anapplicationfor children between 1 and 7 years. The app helps kidsdeveloptheir vocabulary and perception of objects and beings.Children will learn in an interactive way:- The letters of the alphabet;- Digits;- Domestic animals- Colors;- Forms;- Vegetables;- Fruit;The images are accompanied by the pronunciation in Romanianlanguageand specific sounds.The app includes 10 mini-games:1. Teach - click on the characters that appear on the screen tohearthe name in Romanian language and specific sounds.2. Choose colors - learn colors or check your knowledge heardbyclicking on color3. Sort vegetables - -triaza vegetables and place them intheircart4. Labyrinth - Collect letters to form the word whole and findstheanimal to hear the correct pronunciation5. Jump - Jump and collect fruits, vegetables, lettersandnumbers6. Pair - Arrange shapes in the boxes indicated to form anewfigure7. Run - Run and Catch vegetables, fruit, poultry numbersandletters leaked8. Pick up a fence - erected a fence around the sheep bypressingthe numbers in ascending order and see what geometric shapeisformed9. Pass Road - Help the cat to cross the road and avoidthedogs10. Check your knowledge - Identify animals in thespecifiedsequenceAt the end of each level children will receive a reward of up to3stars depending on the percentage of completioncorrectlevel.Information tailored to the need of children to discover theworldaround will be added periodically interactive materials list.Wewelcome comments and suggestions to improve thisapplication.
Jump It Up! - Retro Game
Mihail Falcuta
Classic platform game. You can jump to the next floors throughthemoving holes